Sculptures Elisabeth Hervieux



Elisabeth Hervieux

My artistic path started very soon drawing sketches in order to quickly get the essential of the shape.
However, I stay within a classical conception of sculpture, going through, sometimes, the exact representation of the body to deal with difficulties of realisation which errors easily be obvious.

Then I started paintings and I discovered the engraving which occurred to be a revelation, despite its complex technics and the patience needed.
Within my works of art, colors'choice come from antiquity, black, grey, white and ochre are the main colors.

Then, volume appears like an obvious matter, like the depth of space. I started sculpture with mud, the material of "the earth": I malax it, cut it up, shape it and deshape it in a non stop movement. I take advantages of its plasticity.

Picasso would say: "Artist can show his creativity and his capacity of invention just like with paintings but even more.Jhe quality of result which is concretely borne from his own hands".

Why those recurrent round shapes?
Theses shapes have the strength of their roundness. There are links between unit body and fantasy.
In order to make my work more "noble", I choose to do bronzes in the foundry "Bocquel" and I tried to find my colours into them.
Every single time I go up there, I feel truly lots of emotions. The father and the son do their best to make sure the inspiration of the artist won't be disturbed by technical obstacles.

Ten years ago, it has been an out standing meeting, because those craftsmen, used to work with the biggest contemporary sculptors, always got consideration and friendship for me
I started with huge sculptures 4 years ago.

I do feel a big pleasure with composing big sculptures. I have to deal with weight, interior structure of the piece (for the flames), the drying "step by step"... The samples are always running a risk, the big pieces are "burned" into high temperature wood oven (1300°C) for hours. The wood burning makes them unique.


My work is the result of the direct link between the brain and the

Elle se traduit dans

Divers ateliers parisiens de dessin et peinture (rue Falguière, rue du Dragon, place des Vosges).

Croquis et dessin aux Beaux Arts de Rouen

Atelier de Modelage aux Beaux Arts de Rouen ,à Bois Guillaume, à Canteleu et dans l’Eure

Atelier de Gravure à Grand-Quevilly et à Rouen

Travail avec un fondeur africain en 1997

Bronzes en série limitée à 8 depuis 1998 : fonderie Régis Bocquel à Grainville (76)

Modelage de grande taille en Bourgogne , à Eu, en Dordogne, dans le Loiret.